A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing

Dedicated to Daniel, who makes each day better than the last.
How many of us find ourselves too busy to stop and appreciate the beauty in everyday things, like a pigeon in Central Park, a sunset over the Brooklyn Promenade, or even our own toes (feet are beautiful, you know).

But the constant dash from school to work, demands from friends and family, errands and obligations sometimes make us forget to celebrate the little things.
 Try this on for size...

Find a quiet area where you can be alone-whether it's at school, work, home, the park, or a bookstore. Time yourself-give yourself at least 10 minutes.

This means no texting, no blackberry, no MP3, no Facebook, no Twitter, no computer, no phone calls, and no glancing at school/work projects!!!!

Close your eyes, take several breaths. Let go of all your thoughts...
Once the time is up, open your eyes. Notice anything different?

You might notice a squirrel nibbling peanuts that a baby has dropped from its carriage. Maybe you'll go back to work at your computer feeling just a bit calmer. Maybe that heaviness in your chest or tightness in your head is lighter. Maybe you'll remember that you indeed finished all of the things you set out to do this week and feel that rewarding sense of accomplishment. Maybe you'll realize that all you really wanna do that night is order Domino's and watch True Blood.

Whatever you find in those 10 minutes, cherish it.  
It may be just the fix you've been looking for.


Listen to "A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing", by Billy Strayhorn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl7yBIVQHyI